
Stuff White People Like blog spoofs yoga

The hilarious, tiresome, snotty, shallow, entertaining puhleeze, blog Stuff White People Like, (written by a white person in Canada, perhaps Vancouver) spoofed yoga in entry #15. You can't say that yoga wasn't asking for it.

An out take: "Yoga is also an expensive activity. It gives white people the chance to showcase their $80 pants." 

See the Jan 22, 2008  entry, #15. 

Yoga and Guns

A humor piece from the New York Times Magazine.

"Later that day, I took a restorative yoga class. Shooting guns and taking yoga on the same day was the biggest “You got chocolate in my peanut butter!” moment I’ve had so far in my life. Guns and yoga are French fries dipped in a milkshake. Scotch and ginger ale. Elvis Costello’s “This Year’s Model” after a bad breakup. Reruns of “Law and Order” and having no life: they’re good together."

I don't know--I didn't laugh. Maybe it's too close to the truth about the crazy hybrid practices that are out there? Or maybe I'm just tired.

Humor on Christian Yoga

At last a humorous take on Christian yoga. BC native Shannon Rupp in the independent daily newspaper, The Tyee, skewers Quesnel area woman's objections to yoga in classrooms--because, the woman says, yoga is the work of the devil. Natch.

Here's an excerpt:
"Cummings also complains that yoga in the classroom is the same as prayer in the classroom, and again she's not wrong. You frequently hear prayers of the "oh-god-oh-god-oh-god" variety, especially in beginner yoga classes. An occasional "Jesus!" isn't unusual."

Read, "Me, A Yoga Devil?" at

(And scroll down to follow the amazing, convoluted commentary that follows the story!)