Young, Young, Young, Yoga Teachers

The New York Times comments on the issue of young, unseasoned yoga teachers. Who wants to be taught by someone with no life experience? Some people do. The article essentially says:

"Those who drop in once a week for a class don’t necessarily want a seasoned teacher, or an evolving connection with an instructor. But discerning students who are committed to their practice feel a teacher should be a wellspring of inspiration about how best to live."

And Shiva Rea, perenially wise adds a cautionary note that I wish more instructors would heed:
"Shiva Rea, 40, a renowned vinyasa flow teacher, who trains other teachers, is more blunt. A 50-year-old student doesn’t want to hear a 20-year old teacher “ramble on about the profundities of life,” she said. “I tell people you’re learning to be a river guide, but it’s all about the river. When you’re really connected to your breath then you’re in the river, and leading people through it. When in doubt, don’t talk.”