Executives Drop in on Pattabhi Jois thanks to Business Week?

Jan 29, 2007 issue of Business Week profiles the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute in Mysore, India, home of K. Pattabhi Jois, revered master of the very physical form of yoga called ashtanga."Pilgrimage to the Heart of Yoga" by Savita IyerThis article was in the Executive Life/Travel section. While the article is accurate, it's hard to imagine jet-setting executives dropping in on AYRI: this form of yoga in particular requires a steady practice and knowledge of the poses.From what I've heard, the town is not exactly cushy. You rent a room from someone once you arrive, and the accomodations are basic. The fanciest service available is email and the connection is slow and unreliable. Not exactly what travelling executives might be looking for.Still, it's fascinating that Business Week has chosen to run this article. There's interest out there....