yoga etiquette

Oh, the Annoyances of Yoga Class

Yoga class etiquette. When to make noise, when to shut up, how to dress, even how to unroll your mat. Pretty common sense stuff---but not, apparently, common-sensical enough. Showcased Sunday in the Grey Lady, NY Region, are stories of yogis' transgressions.  "Stretch etiquette for yogis."The reporter finds that lots of things anger New York yogis, from leaving class early to skimpy attire:

Some men take a minimalist approach to yoga wear, and not everyone is pleased about having a sweaty, stripped-down man within arm’s reach. “There are guys in European bathing suits,” said an outraged Kendra Cunningham, a yoga lover and comedian who lives in Brooklyn. “We’re not in Capri here; it’s Cobble Hill.”

And she has prominent quotes from the excellent yoga blogger Yoga Dork. Here commenting on B.O.:

No one smells like a rose in yoga class. And you shouldn’t, because some people are allergic to or just dislike inhaling perfume. But body odor shouldn’t make you gag, either. Foot odor can be even worse. “I can handle B.O.,” the Dork said, “but there is nothing worse than stinky feet when you are mat-to-mat and you are upside down and close to people’s feet.”

It all comes down to knowing where you are and who's around you. In fact, the people who are the most disruptive probably just need more yoga.Then they might not have to arrive in such a key-clanging whirlwind and leave early, before the final relaxation they desperately need.