Beneath the Whale

Yoga Beneath the Whale

AMNH Whale

AMNH Whale

Not news so much as---wow!Take Adrianna Gyorfi, 23, entry level exhibitions travel coordinator at the American Museum of Natural History. Just got to New York. Landed a job. Doing yoga. Well, doing yoga beneath a multi-ton plaster cast of a life-size blue whale, hung from the museum's ceiling.

Care of the New York Times:

"Among her job’s perks: yoga beneath the museum’s famed suspended blue whale."

Here it is. Imagine: nose to nose.

Adrianna says: "I came here and I’d taken four yoga classes in my life; I’m not a Zen sort of California resident. I got a museumwide e-mail and signed up for yoga classes. We had it in the Hall of Plains Indians, but when we couldn’t have it there, we had it under the whale. That was amazing. It was after-hours and very relaxing."

After hours and extra super beyond terrestrial. Oceanic!