Vanity Fair does Yoga Justice

Early May 2007 Vanity Fair posted this exceptional photo-essay of contemporary yogis and yoginis. It is the first time in recent memory that a mainstream publication has commented intelligently on our obsession with yoga as well as explored where it came from. Of course it's also glitzy and glamour-oriented, with a cast of usual characters - Christy Turlington, Sharon Gannon, David Life, etc - but it's also pretty great, with some lesser-known teachers like Kundalini's Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, teacher's teacher Dharma Mittra, plus Indian luminaries, BKS Iyengar, Sri Pattahbi Jois, and TKV Desikachar.Check out the entire slide show here and buy the issue of Vanity Fair to see the other remarkable images.