Bon Jovi Yogi

It might seem incredibly unlikely that rockers and yogis could mix. Turns out, they're two great tastes that taste great together.

A recent trendlet in Bon Jovi yoga shows this beautifully. Below, a JBJ yoga chant option thanks to Sadie Nardini, a Brooklyn rocker yogini who teaches in Manhattan and podcasts regularly about yoga. Love the East-Village-of-yore spirit in this video:

What does Bon Jovi think about this? According to Contact Music, Bon Jovi's all for yoga. In November 2007 he said, "I'm going to do yoga. I went for my first time, and I enjoyed it. I'm a 21st century man."

What do other yogis think? According to Rodale's (magazine chain) yoga site iYogaLife, Bon Jovi is a natural.

"We don’t usually take life lessons from Jon Bon Jovi," says the writer of "Yoga Cures: The Blues," "but he was onto some yogic philosophy with his song “It’s My Life”[NICE 80s bods'n'hair in the video, by the way]—where he sings that the key to happiness is a heart “like an open highway.”

"Studies show that sudden emotional stress can release hormones that prevent the heart from pumping normally. Even watching a sad movie can reduce arterial blood flow, according to a study reported recently in the journal Heart."

There you have it, folks: chanting along (or singing, yelling, yodeling or screeching) to JBJ can help increase arterial blood flow. Like, livin' on a prayer or what.

For more on humor and yoga classes see the NYTimes' article from New Year's Eve 2008, "The Enlightened Path, With a Rubber Duck."